With the rise of the #MeToo movement, more and more victims are coming forward to report their allegations of sexual assault. Laws pertaining to statute of limitations and allegations differ from state to state, therefore it’s important to be aware of the time constraint that may be applicable in your…
Read MoreSexual harassment lawsuits can be very daunting for those considering filing criminal or civil charges, which is why we have created this simple step-by-step guide to help you understand the legal process. * Step 1: Speak Out The first step in any sexual harassment lawsuit involves speaking to someone, be…
Read MoreIn the United States, a person is sexually violated every 98 seconds. If, at the end of each day, every person who experienced sexual assault reported their experience to the relevant authorities, American courts would try roughly 881 sexual violation cases every single day. Why, then, does society refuse to…
Read MoreSexual assault can happen to anyone in any situation, but the two most important things to remember are: that it’s never the victim’s fault, and there is help available in a number of different forms. Below are the acts which are defined as different types of sexual assault and what…
Read MoreYour biggest defense against the criminality of sexual assault in the workplace or greater society, is equipping yourself with the definition of the act. The repercussions of being sexually assaulted leave the victim feeling guilty, ashamed and often in a state of shock. The emotional rollercoaster that follows is part…
Read MoreEvery year, thousands of California minors are subjected to statutory rape. By raising awareness about the laws surrounding this type of rape, the California Legal Team hopes to decrease these numbers. What Is Statutory Rape? Unlike rape, which can be defined as non-consensual sexual intercourse between two adults, statutory rape…
Read MoreSexual harassment is a widespread epidemic that affects people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. While most people have a general understanding of what behaviors might constitute sexual harassment, the California Legal Team want to raise awareness about the different degrees of sexual harassment and the various factors required…
Read MoreAlthough anyone can be subject to rape, not every survivor has access to a rape test kit, and the rape kit standards of those that are provided and processed are often not adequate. Many kits are left unprocessed in forensic science labs or in law enforcement facilities, a fact that…
Read MoreAny form of sexual assault can be an extremely traumatic and a highly sensitive experience. In these delicate situations, it is important to understand the definition of rape. The way that California courts dictate the definition of rape will influence your approach to finding justice in a legal environment. Rape…
Read MoreSexual assault, in its various degrees of severity, is a criminal act. The crime can leave the victim having to deal with terrible psychological, emotional and physical effects. During this time, it is very important to contact a lawyer who specializes in sexual assault. Sexual assault lawyers are experts in…
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