Sexual assault and rape are two criminal terms that send shivers down the spine of many people. Both acts are a violation of consent and can leave a victim struggling to recover from trauma. How does one classify the difference between sexual assault vs rape? Rape is any form of…
Read MoreEvery 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted . To put this into context, consider the fact that the average adult takes roughly one minute to read about 250 words. In the time it takes you to read this article, two people will experience some form of sexual assault. In…
Read MoreObtaining a lawyer for sexual assault is the best defense you can arm yourself with, as it guarantees that you will not have to fight all by yourself. The hierarchy that exists in society, school, and the workplace may make it difficult for the victim to come forward or to…
Read MoreThe best sexual assault lawyers and attorneys will tell you that sexual assault is a widespread issue. Anyone, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation can experience sexual assault. So how do you defend yourself against sexual violence once the act has occurred? Remember That You Do Not Have To…
Read MoreLos Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorneys Discuss Consent Rape and sexual harassment are ever-present crimes in the USA but are often overlooked – with a less than five percent total conviction rate. This could be because of the ambiguity surrounding the definitions of rape and consent, the lack of knowledge underlying…
Read MoreSexual Harassment Lawyers Explain Coercion All across the world April has been declared Sexual Assault Awareness month. The scary truth is that approximately 24 people are victims of rape, physical assault, or stalking in the USA every minute. According to a survey conducted by HealthDay News, a total of 15%…
Read MoreSexual Harassment Lawyer Combats Virtual Harassment Sexual harassment is a grave issue that takes place in many workplaces, more than you would expect. Over the last decade, social media and the cyber-space have created a fully- fledged virtual world that allows individuals to create an online alternate reality with few…
Read MoreLos Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorneys – Let’s Talk About Subtlety Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys have come to recognize two main forms of harassment: The first is quid pro quo, which is when a superior demands a sexual favor in exchange for a promotion or any other job benefit. The…
Read MoreSexual Harassment Lawyers Talk About Sexual Consent and Ethics As any sexual harassment lawyer will tell you, consent is the difference between an office romance and a sexual harassment case. In fact, consent is a basic component of human relations. It allows for a wide range of conduct that would…
Read MoreOffice Advice from a Sexual Harassment Lawyer Sexual harassment lawyers are often confronted with cases of sexual harassment in the office, especially in male-dominated careers. It is not uncommon to hear of uncomfortable moments with fellow co-workers, in fact, they are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s world. These…
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