How To Deal With Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
When you need to know the facts about sexual harassment, consult with the Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys at California Legal Team. We will help you understand your situation, determine if you have a sexual harassment case, and advise on going forward.
Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys will tell you that sexual harassment can take shape in many forms. These include:
- asking for sex, or any type of sexual acts, and promising a raise, a promotion, or any type of favor, in return for sex
- any unnecessary and non-consensual touching, including hugs or shoulder massages
- asking for romantic dates, even after the person has said no
- using language that is insulting toward persons of the opposite sex, including referring to these persons as gender-specific derogatory names
- speaking about a person’s physical appearance
- making sexual jokes or pranks
The above are just a few examples of sexual harassment and the forms that it can take. If you want to know if your specific situation constitutes sexual harassment, consult with the Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys at California Legal Team.
There are often many misconceptions about sexual harassment. While some people may think that only women can be victims of this type of harassment, others believe that reporting sexual harassment will lead to the demise of the victim’s career. The Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers will be able to give you the straight facts about sexual harassment and advise you on your case.
Here are some facts about sexual harassment:
- Sexual harassment is any type of discrimination that is based on sex.
- When a person is a victim of sexual harassment it can undermine his or her dignity.
- There is a statute of limitations on when you can claim sexual harassment. That is why you should report any case of sexual harassment as soon as possible to the Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys.
Common reported types of sexual harassment are:
- When someone is fired, or denied a promotion, because he or she refused to have sex with the accused harasser.
- When someone feels forced to leave their job because the workplace has become an offensive environment due to derogatory, gender-specific insults and talk, as well as unwanted sexual advances.
The Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys will give you the facts about sexual harassment and the facts about what you can do if you are currently the victim of sexual harassment.